Playwright – Lauren Yee
Director – Rob Lutfy
Scenic Designer – Yi-Chien Lee
Costume Designer – Shirley Pierson
Lighting Designer – Minjoo Kim
Sound Designer – Melanie Chen Cole
Prop Designer Nicole Richardson
Cygnet Theatre, San Diego, CA
Photo Credit - Sean Fanning


Yi-Chien is a San Diego-based set designer working in theatre and film. Originally born and raised in Taiwan, she received her BA from National Taiwan University and her MFA in Scenic Design at UC San Diego. She has worked with local theatres including Cygnet Theatre, Diversionary Theatre, East West Players, Backyard Renaissance Theatre, Moxie Theatre, Roustabouts Theatre, San Diego Rep, New Village Arts, and Old Globe Theatre.
Recently, she received the Craig Noel Award 2022 for Outstanding Scenic Design for her work on the October Night of Johnny Zero in Backyard Reinassance Theatre Company. Her work forUn-Tongue was exhibited at The 28th Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre in 2021. Her work for Moon Drunk has been selected for the Emerging Artist/Imagination Exhibit in the 2019 Prague Quadrennial.
李宜蒨,為自由接案的劇場舞台設計,畢業於加州大學聖地牙哥分校戲劇與舞蹈研究所(UC San Diego Theatre and Dance Department),師承百老匯舞台設計師Robert Brill。台灣舞台設計作品:第13屆草草戲劇節《踅頭》、《嘉義知多少》、薩泰爾娛樂《炎上》第一季、2016臺南藝術節末路小花劇團《水管人》;台南人劇團《鬧三小劇展》;2015上海戲劇節樂乎乎工作坊《柯基托斯2.0》;2017MOD劇展《預示者》;2016新人新視野《卡關》;複象公場《尋找貝克特》;2014文化部藝術新秀《再現,櫻桃園》;傳愛表演藝術《月光下的記憶》
2022 Craig Noel Award - Outstanding Scenic Design
- winner for October Night of Johnny Zero in Backyard Reinassance Theatre Company.
2022-23 Wilde Awards - Best Scenic Design
- selected for The Future is Female in Flint Repertory Theatre.
2021 The 28th Cairo International Festival
- selected for Experimental Theatre Exhibition
2019 Prague Quadrennial
- selected for Emerging Artist/Imagination Exhibit from the USA